Upcoming Event: Page-Turners

What to Read on a Rainy Sunday Afternoon
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011, at 7:30 P.M.
Rand Room
Perrot Memorial Library

If you like to read for fun, come talk about easy reading books and rattlin’ good stories. Here are a few authors of thrillers, true adventures, and stories of dangerous women in danger– Jennifer Crusie, Suzanne Collins, Stieg Larsson, Linda Howard, C.S. Forester, Anne Mustoe, Daniel Silver, John Sandford, Cynthia Harrod-Eagles, Nevada Barr, and J.K. Rowling.
To learn of other books you might enjoy, Kevin McCarthy, Lucy Hedrick, and Karen Watt will lead an exchange of information about good books for women (the girl winds up with the right guy) and men (the bad guy gets his).
And who are your favorite page-turning authors?
Bring along your own list and take home new suggestions!

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