Code of Conduct & Internet Policies

Code of Conduct Policy

To ensure its patrons the quiet enjoyment and use of Library materials and information services, Perrot Memorial Library has developed the following Code of Conduct:

  1. For the benefit of all users, quiet must be maintained in the designated Library study areas. Loud talking and unruly behavior is not allowed in any area of the Library. Use of cell phones, CD players, or any electronic devices that interfere with the quiet enjoyment of the Library by its patrons are not allowed.
  2. Interference with or harassment or intimidation of Library staff, volunteers, or other patrons will not be tolerated.
  3. Smoking, the use of alcohol, narcotics, or other controlled substances is not allowed in the Library or on Library grounds.
  4. Food and beverages may not be consumed in the Library.
  5. Animals, other than those trained to assist disabled users, are not permitted in the Library.
  6. Misuse of or damage to Library materials is not allowed.
  7. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times in the Library.
  8. Except when attending a Children’s Library program, any child under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a responsible adult or teenager.
  9. All Library material being removed from the premises must be properly checked out. Library staff may inspect briefcases, handbags, and other packages to ensure compliance with check-out procedures.
  10. The children’s area of the Library is intended for children, their parents or responsible adult caregivers, and adults interested in children’s literature, such as teachers or college students taking children’s literature classes. Out of concern for the safety of young patrons, adults who are unaccompanied by a child or children in the children’s area of the Library may be questioned by staff, and may be asked to move to another area of the Library.

Any patron who fails to comply with the above provisions of the Code of Conduct may be asked to leave the Library premises. Continued non-compliance may result in the loss of Library privileges. Egregious behavior may be reported to the police.

Reviewed and approved,
Perrot Memorial Library Board of Directors
March 2015

Internet Policy

The Perrot Memorial Library, in fulfilling its mission to provide information services, offers patrons access to a wide variety of resources including the Internet. Access to the Internet enables Perrot to make available information beyond the confines of our own collection, serving the community’s diverse needs for knowledge, ideas, education, recreational reading, and practical information.

The Perrot Memorial Library provides it patrons with unrestricted use of its resources. We encourage our patrons to be educated consumers of information. They should understand that some information, particularly on the Internet, may not be current, accurate, or complete. In addition, some material may be considered offensive or inappropriate, particularly for young children. Parents and legal guardians of minor children must assume responsibility for monitoring their child’s use of the Internet. It is not the Library’s responsibility or right to act in loco parentis for children using any of our resources. Use of Library materials, including our Internet services, for any illegal activity is strictly prohibited.

The Perrot Memorial Library Board of Directors and staff will continue to review this policy and amend it when necessary. 

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