Upcoming Event: Book Discussion on City of Light, by Lauren Belfer

Upcoming Event:

Book Discussion on City of Light, by Lauren Belfer

Facilitated by Barbara Ehrentreu of Greenwich Pen Women
Monday, January 27th, 2020, at 7 PM (Snow Date is Monday, February 3rd, 2020)

The year is 1901. Buffalo, New York is poised for glory. With its booming industry and newly-electrified streets, Buffalo is a model for the century just beginning. 
Louisa Barrett has made this dazzling city her home. Headmistress of Buffalo’s most prestigious school, Louisa is at ease in a world of men, protected by the titans of her city. But nothing prepares her for a startling discovery: evidence of a murder tied to the city’s cathedral-like power plant at nearby Niagara Falls. This shocking crime– followed by another mysterious death– will ignite an explosive chain of events. For in this city of seething intrigue and dazzling progress, a battle rages among politicians, power brokers, and industrialists for control of Niagara. And one extraordinary woman in their midst must protect a dark secret that implicates them all. As Louisa struggles with her own problems and attempts to solve the mystery of the unusual murders and deaths, Buffalo is preparing for the Great Exposition and the visit of President McKinley and his wife, which will end in his assassination. 
Copies of the book are available for checkout at the Circulation Desk. Seating for the event is limited!

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