Two new museum passes in Youth Services

Now available to borrow from the Youth Services Desk– museum passes for the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in Ridgefield, and for Connecticut’s Old State House in Hartford.

  • ALDRICH CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM, 258 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT, FREE FAMILY ADMISSION [Admission for children 18 and under is always free] The Aldrich is one of the few non-collecting contemporary art museums in the U.S. Exhibitions feature work by emerging and mid-career artists, and education programs help adults and kids to connect to today’s world through contemporary art.
  • CONNECTICUT’S OLD STATE HOUSE, 800 Main Street, Hartford, CT, FREE admission for two adults and two children. As Connecticut’s original state capitol from 1797 to 1873, the Old State House is one of the oldest remaining state houses in the nation. Explore the home of Connecticut’s early state government, including restored legislative chambers, executive branch offices, and courtroom with interactive tours.

Here is a complete list of all the museum passes we have available to borrow. Please ask for passes at the Youth Services Desk. We also have information and brochures on all our locations available for you to browse. Passes may borrowed for one week. Late fees are $1/day.

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