An Inconceivable Loss

We are reeling with shock and grief at the loss of two of our beloved librarians, Kate McClelland and Kathy Krasniewicz. Perrot, our community, and the library world at large will not be the same without these two devoted, caring, and enthusiastic women.

Please keep their families in your thoughts and prayers.

26 thoughts on “An Inconceivable Loss”

  1. I will really miss Mrs.Mac and Ms.K. They were two of my most favorite people ever. To see them gone is so horrible and shocking. I’m crying right now as I right this. Everyone that walked into the library known or unknown they put a smile on their face and happiness in their souls. I still expect to see their smiling faces but I have to face that I won’t get to see their smile again. If I could say one thing to them again I would tell them they were the two most wonderful people I ever met. Why did it have to happen to them? They were so devoted and so caring I don’t think they could be mean even if they tried. I miss them so much and wish what happened didn’t happen. It is so hard to take it in. I miss them so much.
    Emily Hunt 11

  2. I’m a fifth grade teacher at ISD and I have always been incredibly inspired each time Kate and Kathy have visited our school. Their love of books was contagious–the students gobbled up all their recommendations! Personally, I will miss seeing them work together so fluidly…obviously they were a perfect match. My heart goes out to their families and everyone at the Perrot, as well as all the children who have been touched by them…including my own child.

  3. Our thoughts and prayers are with both families during this tragic time. Words can not express how deeply we are saddened by this news. They will be truly missed by all in this community and beyond- The Circelli Family, OG

  4. We’re children’s librarians from Arlington, VA. We just saw Kate at ALA Midwinter. We can’t believe she’s gone. Our deepest condolences to your staff and community. Our staff is reeling with shock.
    -Susan Kusel and Maria Gentle

  5. Mrs.Mac and Mrs.K were so amazing and will be terribly missed. It is truely a tragic loss and i personaly am devisated. When my best friend told me this morning i was in shcok i still cannot belive…Everytime i think of it i still cant belivie it. It is so tragic that it cant even describe itself. They were such exclent libraians and every year when they came to my elementry school i was inspired by them. They are so undescriblly kind and i will always remember them. They were such great people and changed my way for readig each visit. They are the best and i will miss them sooooo much.

  6. I will miss Mrs. Mac and Ms. K so much. They were the happiest and nicest people I knew. They always made me happy by looking at their faces – always smiling. Going to the Perrot Library will never be the same. I will never forget them – I can’t imagine how that is possible. I am just so sad because of what happened and wish that I could just see them one more time. They were the best people I knew. I will never forget them.

  7. I will definitely miss Mrs.Mac and Ms.K. They were the most enthusiastic people I know when they came to reading and sharing books. They got me now a 6th grader but last year an 5th grader who loved to listen to them with their care and power they put into words when they read books. I would have never became the reader I am without them and this is not only a dreadful time for me but for many people I know. I will never forget them and their happy faces as we entered the library. The way they brought us inside the book is still in my mind today and i use that technique. I will never forget Mrs.Mac and Ms.K.

  8. We were so fortunate, to have these two crown jewels in our midst. Their devotion to their work; their infectious love of literature; and, their generosity of spirit has been a gift to generations of children and adults alike. They will be terribly missed by all of us, but most especially by those who loved them best: their families. Our hearts go out to them and we hope that they know that these two remarkable friends will never be forgotten.

  9. I am so sad to hear about this, and my thoughts and prayers are with Kate and Kathy’s families and their community. They were both obviously wonderfully talented and giving librarians who loved working with young people; they were also both so important to the children’s literature community. We will miss them profoundly.

  10. I was so sorry to hear of your sudden and inconceivable loss of two dear friends. The lives that these two people touched will be forevered changed. May you find peace during this time of grief.

    E Ott
    Head of Circulation
    Howell Carneige District Library

  11. As a Denver resident, I want to extend my love to those close to these obviously loved and good human beings. It is so sad, the ripple effect of these loses is profound. I am so so sorry this happened to your loved ones.

  12. I’m in Boulder, CO and the feeling of sorrow over the loss is tremendous out here. I grew up in CT, my mother is a librarian at the Otis Library in Norwich. It’s especially hard for their families given the distance away from home. It’s a very sad week for many people here and in the Old Greenwich area. My thoughts are with the families, may your days begin to brighten soon. Kathy and Kate would want that. With sympathy. God speed.

  13. It’s obvious that our community shares our kaleidoscope of responses to this tragic event. Grief, naturally, at losing people whom we will deeply miss, who were so special and whom we never bothered to tell so outright. Profound sympathy for their families whose losses are so incomparably greater than our own. But also, gratitude for all they did, for all children they touched and especially the wonderful effect they had on our four children’s lives. Perhaps most of all, an awareness of the terrible, senseless waste, of the many hundreds of local children who could have known them, loved them, learned from them and now will never have the chance. Yet also a sense of resolve and spark of hope that whenever one of us loses ourselves in a story, shares a book or reads to a child that their work and spirit will be perpetuated, remembered and passed on.

  14. I was truly saddened to hear of this tragedy. Kate was a truly inspired Children’s Librarian whose work, and love for the values of her career will live on through all those who have known her. Ann Yarmal

  15. I miss Mrs. Mac and Ms. K already – it was so shocking to hear about the accident. They always had a bright smile on their face, and made everyone else happy. They made the library seem very welcoming for the guests, and I will miss their smiles.

  16. I live near the area the accident occurred in and came upon this terrible tragedy after it had occurred. I am a nurse, and I can truly say I have never seen something so heartbreaking. I would like to extend my condolences to all of you affected by this. I was deeply affected and I do not even know them. May God bless all of you and their family.

  17. Old Greenwich School and Kate’s and Kathy’s media friends extend our deepest sympathy on the loss of two wonderful colleagues and friends. May they continue to inspire us all from heaven.

    Kristine McHarg, Media Specialist

  18. As an old friend and colleague of Kathy and Kate, I share in the shock, anger, and sadness expressed here.
    Yes. We knew them through and at ALA, in a professional setting where they thrived. Their goodness, kindness, intelligence and dedication to librarianship always shone through.
    How much more difficult is must be for the wider Perrot Library community to move ahead without them both.
    They were two amazing, ‘excellent women’ (Barbra Pym), women who had a gift for librarianship…and, more importantly, a gift for friendship.
    Their memory will live on in the lives of every person whom they encountered.

  19. Dear Perrot Memorial Library,

    I am not a member of your library community, but I was struck by the horrible loss for you. My heart goes out to all those whose lives were touched by these incredible women–whom I never met and can only imagine the contributions they gave. (I’m in the field of library science, and came across this tragedy when reading about the ALA midwinter conference). I’m so sorry for your loss and you are in my prayers.

  20. this is terrible my sympathy goes out to the families of Mrs.Mac and Mrs.K! whenever I entered the library they would always greet me and my friends and i will miss that so much. my friends and i have not gone there for awhile because of our sadness. forever in my heart will be Mrs.Mac and Mrs.K

  21. I was quite inspired by Ms. K and Mrs. Mac. I couldn’t beleive my friend when she told me. I thought that she was making some horrible, devious joke. When I found out that it was true, I still couldn’t beleive it. Why did this happen to them? They didn’t deserve to die.

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