YCC’s Favorite Book of 2010/2011 Is…

The Young Critics’ Club (YCC), Perrot’s book club for 6th-, 7th-, and 8th-graders, has declared that its favorite book of 2010/2011 is….

by Laura Resau and Maria Virginia Farinango

Born in an Andean village in Ecuador, Virginia lives with her large family in a small, earthen-walled dwelling. In her village, it is not uncommon to work in the fields all day, even as a child, or to be called a longa tonta– stupid Indian– by members of the ruling class of mestizos, or Spanish descendants. When seven-year-old Virginia is taken from her village to be a servant to a mestizo couple, she has no idea what the future holds. This poignant novel, based on a true story, will make you laugh and cry, and ultimately, it will fill you with hope.

See the rest of YCC’s favorite books from 2010/2011!

1 thought on “YCC’s Favorite Book of 2010/2011 Is…”

  1. i am a YCC Member, and i love being a part of YCC If you are in 6th 7th or 8th grade it is awesome!

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