Upcoming Event: Ecologist and Author Tom Wessels on Sustainability

The Foundational Principles of Sustainability 
with Ecologist and Author Tom Wessels
Wednesday, April 30th, 2014
7:30 PM
Perrot Library- Children’s Wing
For 3.8 billion years, life has not only sustained itself, it has thrived on our planet. Ecologist and author Tom Wessels will discuss how our current path toward progress, based on continual economic expansion and inefficient use of resources, runs contrary to the foundational scientific laws that govern all natural, complex systems. It is a myth, he contends, that progress depends on a growing economy. Mr. Wessels makes scientific theory readily accessible, and will demonstrate how all environmental problems have their source in a disregard for the laws of sustainability based on the myth of progress. 
Tom Wessels is an ecologist and the founding director of the Master’s Degree program in Conservation Biology at Antioch University New England. Tom has conducted landscape ecology and sustainability workshops throughout the United States for over 30 years.

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