Two Sparkly Ones

Kate McClelland Kathy Krasniewicz

Before I even reach the top of the library stairs, I know the stylish, carefree woman, who runs the Children’s Room, will be waiting for me. Not a hair out of place, not a wrinkle in her dress, Mrs. Mac runs over, her bright eyes dancing as she straightens the scarf tied loosely around her neck. Beaming, she holds up the book she has just read and gives me a quick, friendly wink. Unfortunately, no matter how much I enjoy Mrs. Mac’s company, I cannot keep her to myself. All the children want to talk to her as well. But if Mrs. Mac is tired or annoyed, she never lets it show. Even the rudest person cannot extract an unkind word from her. Nevertheless, this calm, collected woman has a fun-loving childlike side. When she spots a new book, her eyes light up like those of a child in a toy store. Her forehead is never creased with worry, and her constant smile never fades. Wherever she goes, Mrs. Mac creates an aura of happiness which brightens the world. -SC, age 12

Kathy was like a sparkling ray of sunshine everyday. She would drop everything she was doing to answer a question or have a chat- she had a unique ability to make everyone she spoke to feel like they were the center of her attention. And talk about a perfectionist- everything she touched turned to gold! I spoke to someone today who only knew Kathy by sight; he said something about how pretty she was and I told him that her physical beauty was a mere fraction of her inner beauty. -Laurie

It is a measure of Kate’s and Kathy’s charisma that so many of us feel this loss so deeply and personally. Their passion, energy and dedication: so rich and full and generous. They are two sparkly ones who left a trail of glitter wherever they went. I am so sad they are gone, so grateful they were here in the first place. -Children’s Author Sharon Creech

Kate McClelland and Kathy Krasniewicz

Mrs. Mac and Mrs. K

We miss you today and always

2 thoughts on “Two Sparkly Ones”

  1. The hole that has been left by Kathy's death seems bottomless at times. I didn't know Kate very well, but I knew Kathy for 51 of our 54 years. I feel her around me when the sunsets are particularly spectacular or the clouds bright white against blue blue skies. I think of her when I hear children giggle… as they always did around her office in Perrot. I miss my BFF more than words can express. Leigh Barbour Deehan

  2. I'm Kathy's sister. She and Kate were (are) indeed sparkly ones. In a tree outside our front door we have lights which capture sunlight and shine at night. Our tree sparkles in the dark, and so my darling sister dances outside my window. Anna Apuzzo Egert

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