7 thoughts on “Remembering”

  1. The Brode Family of Setauket, NY will always remember Kate. When our boys were little we always came to visit on Halloween, mostly because "Nina", our mom and grandma, Lynn, worked there. We are so saddened for the loss to the library. I know what a small family you really were. Just a note to let you know we are thinking of you.
    With love and sadness,
    Kathy Mottolese Brode, Mark, Ryan & Mark

  2. Kate and Kathy were so full of life and light and laughter, how can they be gone?

    The suddenness of them not being here is impossible to take in.

    They were brilliant librarians, amazing colleagues and wonderful friends. You had great laughs whenever you were around them. And they always had time.

    I loved coming to the library and hearing what they were reading, what they thought about the business, etc. Their passion was contagious.

    They were terrific encouragers to a writer. And they leave a great hole in my life. They were like mentors to me in many ways. They were generous and took me under their wing as I launched out as a picture book writer and let me try my pajama party reading out on them. They bought me a hot dog lunch and encouraged me to just go for it (i still owe them a hot dog lunch).

    I am honored to have known them and count them as my friends and I will miss them terribly.

    My thoughts and prayers are with their grieving families and with their Library family too. I am so sorry.

  3. Mrs. Mac

    I can just picture Kate McClelland sitting at her desk decorated by the unique model house on chicken legs. Using the eraser on one of her minute pencil stubs, she flips through a book, laughing hysterically or wearing a deep face of concern.
    Before I even reach the top of the library stairs, I know the stylish, carefree woman, who runs the Children’s Room, will be waiting for me. Not a hair out of place, not a wrinkle in her dress, Mrs. Mac runs over, her bright eyes dancing as she straightens the scarf tied loosely around her neck. Beaming, she holds up the book she has just read and gives me a quick, friendly wink.
    Unfortunately, no matter how much I enjoy Mrs. Mac’s company, I cannot keep her to myself. All the children want to talk to her as well. But if Mrs. Mac is tired or annoyed, she never lets it show. Even the rudest person cannot extract an unkind word from her.
    Nevertheless, this calm, collected woman has a fun-loving childlike side. When she spots a new book, her eyes light up like those of a child in a toy store. Her forehead is never creased with worry, and her constant smile never fades. Wherever she goes, Mrs. Mac creates an aura of happiness which brightens the world.
    Anything I write cannot possibly express Mrs. Mac’s influence on my life. For as long as I have known her, Mrs. Mac has supported me in everything I have ever been and done. One word of praise stays with me forever, and her honest opinions are the best I can receive. Since fourth grade, I have always wanted to be exactly like Mrs. Mac. She is beautiful, intelligent, caring, and understanding, but most of all, she is the light in the center of all my hopes and goals.
    Many people do not believe in the perfect person, but I do: I have found her.

    Perrot Library Young Critic

  4. Mrs. Mac and Mrs. K were truly the best people I’ve ever known. Ever since I first met them in fourth grade I admired them and wanted to be just like them. They’ve had such a positive influence on my life, I wouldn’t be anything close to as passionate about books as I am now if I hadn’t known them. They devoted so much to us kids, and were always interested in us and what we had to say. They were both so amazingly caring, I simply can’t imagine what the world is going to be like without them.

  5. My deepest sympathy to the families of Kate and Kathy on their tragic loss. It is also a tremendous loss for the community and particularly Old Greenwich School. Kate was such an integral part of OGS. Her love of literature, storytelling and her passion for her work had touched so many young lives. OGS always appreciated the partnership we had with the Perrot and much of this was due to the Kate and Kathy. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your families at this most difficult time.
    Marge Sherman
    Former principal of Old Greenwich School

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