Perrot Library Reopening – Status Update July 10, 2020

Perrot Memorial Library has implemented several changes as we take careful steps to reopen the library for our community:

  • We have installed air purifiers on our HVAC system that kill mold, bacteria and viruses
  • We have distributed PPE to all staff and deployed disinfectant to all service desks and high-touch/contact areas
  • We are providing requested materials for borrowers through our no-contact curbside pick-up service
  • Our book drop is once again open 24/7/365
  • We have extended our hours of service to include Tuesday and Thursday evenings
  • We are providing same-day reference, reader’s advisory and lending service via telephone, email, and the Library’s online catalog
  • We present virtual storytime programs, virtual singalongs, and book clubs for our Young Readers
  • We have made internet access available for visitors using their own digital devices in our parking lot, garden and front plaza

Next Steps for our Phased Reopening:

  • We are planning to offer computer use (by appointment only) and extending our service hours to include Saturdays (noon to 5 PM) in early August
  • We will expand our virtual programming to include author talks and other interesting presentations for adults
  • We will fully reopen the Library for public use in conjunction with the Greenwich Library, the reopening of Greenwich Schools, recommendations from the Connecticut State Library, advice from Greenwich Town Officials and the consent of the Perrot Library Board of Directors, hopefully this Fall, if not sooner

-Kevin McCarthy, Library Director

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