First Sunday Science: Free educational programs for children at Greenwich Point

The first Sunday of each month this year The Bruce Museum, and other non-profit organizations in the area, will be holding FREE fun and educational programs for children and families at the Seaside Center at Greenwich Point! Check out the list below for the First Sunday Science activities for the next few months. If you would like more information on these programs, please contact Peter Linderoth at 203-413-6742 or by e-mail at

Tag a Horsehoe Crab: Project Limulus, Sunday, June 3rd, 2012 1:30 PM-4:00 PM
The day will be full of exciting opportunities to participate and learn more about Project Limulus, an ongoing study of the Horseshoe Crab. Don’t miss this opportunity to spot and tag Horseshoe Crabs on the Greenwich Point Beach, discuss the research project with people involved, and hear a presentation on the ecology of this often seen but not well known creature. There is a chance that participants will get wet during some segments of this program, please dress accordingly! We will be meeting at the Innis Arden Cottage, located on Greenwich Point. Presented by the Friends of Greenwich Point, Town of Greenwich, Sacred Heart University, and the Bruce Museum.

Fish Frenzy!, Sunday, July 1st, 2012 1:30 PM-4:00 PM
Join us as we explore the diversity of fish that make the Long Island Sound their home– whether permanently or just passing through. Activities will include seining for fish in the waters off Greenwich Point; observing fish nose to nose at our large marine tanks; observing fish scales under microscopes; a fun, fishy, and sustainable craft; and more! We will be taking trips to the water as part of this program so please dress accordingly.

Turtles of Long Island Sound, Sunday, August 5th, 2012 1:30 PM-4:00 PM
Be sure to drop in to the Center for this First Sunday Science as we present the sea turtles and the Diamondback Terrapins that can be found in the Sound. Visitors will be able to observe turtle specimens and artifacts, participate in a sustainable art project, view footage of these magnificent reptiles, and much more!

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