OK to Delay Presents the Internet, Safety, and our Children

Greenwich Police Officer Christopher Wallace will discuss safety for children on the internet and will share personal stories of what he has seen in Greenwich on Monday, September 23, at 7 pm in the Program Room, Radcliffe Building, Perrot Memorial Library.

Click here to register for this event.

OK to Delay is a local grassroots organization based in Greenwich, Conn., which has now grown to 13 chapters in 6 states. Their mission is to unite parents who share a growing concern about the early and excessive use of smartphones and social media. Through local events during the school year, OK to Delay educates, empowers, and connects parents on the subject, with a goal of fostering community. 

For more information, contact Judy Sgammato at 203-637-1066 x15 or at lending@perrotlibrary.org.

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