Book Talk: “The Anxious Generation,” by Jonathan Haidt

Sarah Gallagher Trombley, former Snapchat executive, author and digital parenting consultant, will join us at the Perrot Library on Monday, September 9th, from 7 to 8 pm in the Program Room, Radcliffe Building, for a book club style discussion of Jonathan Haidt’s The Anxious Generation. This popular book suggests that as a society, we have been overprotecting our children in the real world while underprotecting them in the virtual world. Sarah will lead us in a well-rounded discussion of the main theories and suggested solutions put forth in this book.

Sarah Gallagher Trombley is digital parenting author, speaker and thought leader. Her mission is to help parents navigate the digital world with and for their kids by providing insight, advice and practical tips. Her work and messages cover a wide range of digital topics including how to set up digital house rules, understanding and implementing parental controls, social media primers for adults, as well as how and when to choose the right devices for your child. Sarah has reached more than 5,000 parents through her newsletter, speaking events and social accounts.

Reserve a copy of The Anxious Generation from our catalog or purchase a copy from Athena Books.

To register for this program, click here.

For more information and questions, contact Judy Sgammato at 203-637-1066 x15 or at

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