Book Recommendation: Take Back Your Family

Take Back Your Family: A Challenge to America's ParentsTake Back Your Family: A Challenge to America’s Parents, by Rev Run and Justine Simmons

This is a bit of a departure from my usual books. I had never been much of a reality show fan in the past, but one show I have enjoyed watching with my daughter, Christina, is “Run’s House” on MTV. It’s the story of Rev Run, a.k.a Joseph Simmons, originally of the hip-hop group Run DMC, and his family. He has broadened his business into more than just being a hip-hop star to include a line of clothing and sneakers, and his wife has a jewelry design business. His daughters have also branched out into design and publishing. They are not exactly a typical American family, but they certainly stand for family values and family time together. Having a family of six children, spread out from late teens down to an infant makes for a full range of potential problems, and they seem to confront things head on. Rev Run and Justine alternate segments of every chapter.


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