Radcliffe Memorial Concert
The Greenwich Symphony’s Trio Carousel comes to Perrot for the Second Annual Mary Radcliffe Memorial Concert on Sunday, March 30, at 2 pm.
The Greenwich Symphony’s Trio Carousel comes to Perrot for the Second Annual Mary Radcliffe Memorial Concert on Sunday, March 30, at 2 pm.
Join us on Monday, March 31, at 7 pm in the Program Room, Radcliffe Building, for a discussion of “Look Closer,” by David Ellis. This is a drop-in program. Registration is not required.
Join us on Tuesday, April 1, at 10 am outside the main entrance to the Library for Perrot Walks. We will walk at a leisurely pace and enjoy conversation and the beauty of Binney Park.
Perrot Memorial Library and The Garden Club of Old Greenwich present, “Landscaping with Native Plants,” on Wednesday, April 2, at 7 pm, via Zoom.
Welcome all knitters. If you’re looking for a place to knit alongside other knitters, please join us at 10 am on Thursday, April 3rd. We’ll meet in the Watt Room (our DVD room) for an hour of knitting and conversation. Registration is not required. This is a drop-in program.
Join us for Sunday Jazz @ the Library featuring The Margi Gianquinto Jazz Quartet on Sunday, April 6, 2025, on the Green (the central carpeted area in our Youth Services Department), Radcliffe Building, 2 pm. This concert is for adults.
On the first Monday of each month, a nurse from Greenwich Hospital will be here at Perrot Library from 10 to 11 am to take free blood pressure screenings. The screenings will take place in the Rand Room, Waid Building, not the Radcliffe Children’s Library. The next screenings are scheduled for Monday, April 7th.
The Environmental Book Group, a collaboration between the Perrot Memorial Library and the Conservation Commission, is happy to announce our April read: “What If We Get It Right: Visions of Climate Futures,” by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson. The discussion will take place in the Program Room, Radcliffe Building, Perrot Library, on Monday, April 7, 2025, at 7 pm.
Calling knitters experienced and new to the craft! Join us on the second Tuesday of each month for our evening knitting group, “Purls of Wisdom.” Our next session will be held on Tuesday, April 8, at 6 pm in our Rand Room, Waid Building, Perrot Memorial Library.
Perrot Memorial Library
90 Sound Beach Avenue
Old Greenwich, CT 06870
Circulation: (203) 637-1066
Reference: (203) 637-3870
Youth Services: (203) 637-8802
Contact Us
M/W/F: 9 AM-6 PM
Tu/Th: 9 AM-8 PM
Saturday: 9 AM-5 PM
Sunday: 1 PM-5 PM