Painting in Adult Non-Fiction
The 2nd floor of the adult wing (non-fiction) is being painted. Please ask the Reference librarian for assistance in accessing materials. Please use caution in the area. Your patience is appreciated!
The 2nd floor of the adult wing (non-fiction) is being painted. Please ask the Reference librarian for assistance in accessing materials. Please use caution in the area. Your patience is appreciated!
Painting is taking place this week in the Youth Services vestibule. Please use caution when entering or exiting the children’s wing. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Due to the weather, the Library will open at 1 P.M. today, Monday, March 2nd, 2009. The Greenwich Library is closed today.
Today’s 1 P.M. Fun for 4s and 5s program is CANCELLED. However, Spotlight will be held today at 4 P.M. Questions? Please call us at 637-8802.
The Library will open at 1 P.M. today, Wednesday, January 29th. There will be no children’s preschool programs today. Please call later in the day (637-8802) to check if the afternoon program will be held.
The Byram Shubert Library is temporarily closed while Library materials are moved into the renovated building from storage and the Library’s temporary space. While the Library is closed, materials can be placed in the book drop at the temporary space or returned to Greenwich, Cos Cob, or Perrot Libraries. Byram patrons’ holds will automatically be … Read more
As a reminder, please remember that there is a state law concerning the failure to remove snow and ice from vehicle roofs. “We have all seen snow and ice fly off from car and truck roofs while on the highway,” Governor Rell said. “These ice missiles are hazards that can break windshields and cause accidents.” … Read more
Scared of Santa at the Chicago Tribune–the DVD Diva
The New York Times published an inspiring article yesterday about Luis Soriano, a teacher who runs a donkey-drawn bookmobile in Colombia, in order to improve the lives of children who live in his impoverised region.
Since Rosetta Stone is no longer offering its service to libraries, we thought we’d share another neat language learning site that we found: offers lessons plans English, Spanish, French, Hindi, German, and Mandarin Chinese. It’s also a sort of social networking site– users can practice conversations with native speakers of the language they’re learning, … Read more
Due to paving work on both Sound Beach Avenue and Laddins Rock Road, there may be cars entering the parking lot through the exit, and vice versa. Please use caution in the parking lot.
Here is a very thorough list of suggestions on where to look for that library book you just can’t track down, from the Eastchester School District in New York state: How to Find a Lost Book