Book Recommendations for Kids

Picture Books

A Word About Our Picture Books

Our picture book section is sub-divided into categories based on our most frequent patron requests! 

​Look for….

  • GROWING UP (GROWING E, BLUE SPINE LABELS): Picture books about childhood changes and life lessons. This section encompasses typical childhood firsts like starting school, learning to use the potty, welcoming a new baby brother or sister, as well as books on more difficult subjects like aging grandparents, moving, divorce, or the loss of a pet
  • TRANSPORTATION (TRANSP E, RED SPINE LABELS): Covers all your favorite books about things that go– from cars, trucks, diggers, and dumpers, to trains, planes, boats, and bikes
  • CONCEPTS (CONCEPT E, YELLOW SPINE LABELS): Books about early learning concepts, such as colors, days of the week, body parts, shapes, opposites, numbers, and the alphabet
  • NATURE (NATURE E, DARK GREEN SPINE LABELS): Fact-based picture books about animals, plants, and our environment
  • SEASONS (SEASONS E, PALE GREEN SPINE LABELS): All about the four seasons– look here for books about spring rain, fireflies, those beautiful fall leaves, and your friendly neighborhood snow-people
  • TODDLER (TODDLER E, ORANGE SPINE LABELS): Simple stories that are perfect for sharing with your baby or toddler
  • EASY FOLK AND FAIRY TALES (EASY J 398.2, LAVENDER SPINE LABELS): Our folk and fairy tales are alphabetized by title and tale for easy browsing– i.e., all versions of the Cinderella story from around the world are shelved together

School Visit Lists: Great Books for 3rd-, 4th-, and 5th-graders

​Our Youth Services librarian visits neighborhood elementary schools each May to talk about new and exciting books!

Young Young Critics’ Club Favorites: For 4th- and 5th-graders

At the end of each school year, the Young Young Critics’ Club (Y2C2), our former book club for 4th- and 5th-graders, voted on its favorite books. Here are some of their favorites from the last few years.

If You Liked… 

Loved a popular series, but don’t know what to try next? These lists will help!

Young Critics’ Club Favorites: For 6th-, 7th-, and 8th-graders

At the end of each school year, the Young Critics’ Club (YCC), our book club for 6th-, 7th-, and 8th-graders, votes on its favorite books.

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