Computer Use Policy


The Perrot Memorial Library, in fulfilling its mission to provide information services, offers patrons access to a wide variety of resources, including the internet. Access to the internet enables Perrot to make available information beyond the confines of our own collection, serving the community’s diverse needs for knowledge, ideas, education, recreational reading, and practical information.

General Use

  • In the interest of serving all customers, the Library reserves the right to set time limits on any workstation. A daily two-hour time limit is set on all desktop computers
  • Patrons must abide by all other library policies while using computers
  • Patrons are responsible for saving their own files to their personal USB drive or cloud storage
  • Library staff is available to provide limited assistance in the use of computers and internet. Staff may limit the amount of time spent in assisting a user in order to provide adequate support of all other library services
  • USB drives and earbud headphones are available for purchase at the Reference Desk
  • Printouts will be sent to one of our networked, black and white laser printers. Printouts are 10¢ per page. You will have a chance to review your total printing costs before sending your job to the printer. Please pay when you pick up your print job at the Reference Desk or Youth Services Desk

Accessibility and Responsibility

  • Parents and legal guardians of minor children must assume responsibility for monitoring their child’s use of the Internet. It is not the Library’s responsibility or right to act in loco parentis for children using any of our resources
  • Children under the age of 6 who wish to use a computer must be accompanied by an adult at all times
  • Use of library materials, including our Internet services, for any illegal activity is strictly prohibited
  • Anyone who engages in inappropriate or illegal uses of the library’s computers and internet service will be asked to stop and/or asked to leave the library premises
  • Revocation of computer privileges, library privileges, and/or the use of the library system and its facilities may occur. Illegal or criminal activity will be reported to the appropriate legal authorities

Privacy and Confidentiality

  • Perrot Memorial Library seeks to protect the First Amendment rights of its patrons and their individual rights to privacy. However, limited space for computer stations means that images on the screen are visible by others in the area, and the library cannot provide absolute privacy for its online patrons
  • Because computers are located in public areas which must be shared by library users of all ages, backgrounds, and sensibilities, individuals are asked to consider this when accessing potentially controversial information and images. Library staff cannot consistently and effectively monitor the public’s use of the internet. Therefore, the library reserves the right to ask individuals to discontinue the display of information and images which cause disruptions, even if their use is legitimate
  • Users are also cautioned that the internet is not a secure environment, and that the library cannot take responsibility for protecting users’ personal information. Patrons should never give personal identification information to unknown or unverified sources on the Internet. Computer users are responsible for logging off at the end of each session to prevent accidental access to transactions, files or communications by unauthorized third parties, and are expected to respect the privacy and confidentiality of other computer users

Final Disclaimers

  1. The Library is not responsible for any damage done to computer users’ storage devices, data, hardware or software due to malware or viruses. Although the Library continually updates virus and other protective software on its computers, it is always possible for damage or loss to occur. Protection cannot be guaranteed.
  2. The Library is not responsible for any damage done to computer users’ disks, data, hardware or software as a result of malfunctioning library hardware or software.
  3. The library is not responsible for any intercepted or lost data that may occur while using its public wired or wireless networks.

By accepting this message, you are confirming that you have read and agree to abide by the above policies.

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